Thursday, September 16, 2004

Kernel 2.4.26

I hit an issue when I tried to install D4X. The GLIB [GNU Library probly] needs to be version 2.4.0 or higher. I decided I'd better do all this after getting on with the immediate need of upgrading the 2.4.20-8 kernel which came with the Redhat 9.0 distro, to 2.4.26, so that I can run EVMS.

I need EVMS for my project. n' it needs 2.4.26. The EVMS website gives you ALL the instructions you need to building the new kernel and getting EVMS to work with it. Make sure you get device-mapper.1.00.18, 'cuz EVMS doesn't work well with 1.00.19.

Also, if you're using a multi-boot with Windows like I am, make sure you configure the kernel %: make xconfig to support the appropriate file system (NTFS in my case- Windows 2000) so that you can mount your Windows partitions in Linux. The %:mount /dev/hdXX /mnt/C -t ntfs worked perfectly in 2.4.20-8. However, I couldn't get it to work in 2.4.26. You might need to download the latest Linux-NTFS driver.


At 8:57 am, Blogger Mack said...

good page, reminds me of my days in bangalore
when i used to fiddle with linux, now it works
as always, i have knoppix, *bsd*, on my old home pc,
and redhat* at work.

I am writing because i contributed to vim src while
in bangalore, and hope you can do the same.

At 9:05 am, Blogger Aslan said...

wow! thanx.! n' hey u helped on vim src??! cool, my page is privileged to have u visit it! pls come again in the future!


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