Tuesday, September 14, 2004


D4X is one app I can't live without! OpenOffice.org is another thing that falls in the same category. When you want software that can do a particular task, you'd do well to look for it on the universal resource for a LOT of projects, viz. SourceForge.Net.

Some useful stuff:
1) Gaim n' aMSN - IM apps [I need to make a glossary!]
2) RSSOwl - RSS|ATOM news feed reader (aggregator)
3) NTFS driver - to access your Win2K partitions.


At 11:03 pm, Blogger iPhoneShakur said...


For somone who wants to learn about Linux, is there a good website that teachs the basics?


At 11:30 pm, Blogger Aslan said...

Yes indeed! I signed up myself, at Linux Online which, IMHO, has the best course for beginners.


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