Thursday, February 09, 2006


My new teammate is a Mandhala-like Gulti character. Quite fundoo (Thank God I didn't get some dumbass) and (almost;) as fast as I am. I've had a lot of technical quarrels with him and most are left hanging. One conclusive blow from either of us would settle all in one's favor.

We are dealing with associative arrays today at the advanced perl session. My teammate stated that the hash key contains the memory location of the corresponding hash value. I retorted that this need not be true. He was supported by the facilitator too. This SUN docs page cache saved face!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Forgot root password?

Gaurav gave me this useful tip:

Allow the system to reboot to the GRUB splash screen, and then press "e". Select the line containing "kernel", and press "e" again. GRUB will display the line in edit mode. Add "single" to the end of the line, and press return. GRUB will return you to the previous screen. Press "b" to boot the system into what will now be single user mode. The system will come part of the way up, and then drop you into a root shell - the prompt will look like this: sh-2.05# _
Type "passwd" and set a new password. Type "exit"

[Listening to: Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti - Kashmir (8:32)]