Here's what your makefile (
with dmalloc support) should look like..
DMALLOC = ../dmalloc-5.4.2CC = gcc
INCLUDE = ./include
SOURCE = ./src
BIN = ./bin
OBJ = ./object
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -Werror -I$(INCLUDE)
-I$(DMALLOC) -DDMALLOCOBJECTS = file1.o file2.o ...
vpath %.h $(INCLUDE)
vpath %.c $(SOURCE)
binary: $(OBJECTS)
$(CC) -o $(BIN)/binary $(OBJECTS)
${DMALLOC}/libdmalloc.a mv *.o $(OBJ)
$(OBJECTS): common.h
file1.o: file1.h
file2.o : file2.h
main.o : main.h
clean :
rm -f $(BIN)/binary
rm -f $(OBJ)/*.o
Scripting and dmalloc
You've to save it and make it executable:
chmod 775 modreg.tclI wrote an ordinary shellscript too.. start off with
#!/bin/sh or wherever sh exists. Running it with sh filename also works, just like tcl filename will..
I also learnt how to test for memory leaks with
dmalloc. All you need is a folder dmalloc containing the program. Then..
dmalloc-5.4.2]$ sh ./configure
dmalloc-5.4.2]$ make (make threadssl and make shlib)
dmalloc-5.4.2]$ cd ../Feb1/
Feb 1]$ alias dmalloc=../dmalloc-5.4.2/dmalloc
Feb 1]$ export DMALLOC_OPTIONS=log-stats,log-non-free,log-trans,log=logfile,inter=1
Feb 1]$ dmalloc
The output should contain the line:
Logpath 'logfile'
Feb 1]$ make -f Makefile.dmalloc
Feb 1]$ ./bin/binary
I'll supply details of the dmalloc Makefile shortly..
I've been looking up a lot of TCL lately. Wrote my first script. Its for
modreg.tcl, which modifies a field within a register without disturbing surrounding bits. Assume commands
readreg (which reads the contents of a register, specified by its hexadecimal address in memory) and
writereg (which writes a value to a register).
# Usage : modreg.tcl reg value low high
# Example : modreg.tcl 0x340 0x11 3 7
# Now, this would read register 0x340, write the value 0x11 into
# bits 3 through 7 and write this back into register 0x340.
# Power procedure
proc power {base p} {
set res 1
while {$p>0} {
set res [expr $res*$base]
set p [expr $p-1]
return $res
# Check arguments
if {$argc != 4} {
puts "Invalid arguments!"
return 0
# Read arguments into variables
set reg [lindex $argv 0]
set new [lindex $argv 1]
set low [lindex $argv 2]
set high [lindex $argv 3]
# Swap low and high if user entered them backwards
if {$low > $high} {
set temp $low
set low $high
set high $temp
# Process high
set high [expr $high+1]
# Read register value into 'val' with the 'readreg' command
set val [exec readreg $reg]
# Process variables 'highp' and 'lowp' from low bits and high bits
set highp [expr {[power 2 $high]-1}]
if {$low == 0} {
set lowp 0
} else {
set lowp [expr {[power 2 $low]-1}]
# Find number to AND with 'val' to clear the appropriate bits
set and [expr {0xffffffff - $highp + $lowp}]
# Clear the appropriate bits
set clear [expr {$val & $and}]
# Left-shift the value to be written to the field by appropriate amount
set or [expr {$new << $low}]
# Find result by ORing this with 'clear'
set result [expr {$clear | $or}]
# Write this result into the register with the 'writereg' command
set ret [exec writereg $reg $result]